Oaah Agency 오아에이전시 (2015. 7)
                    Oaah Agency is an Experience Curation Service/Platform rooted in Contemporary Art, dedicated to curating individuals' glamorous moments. Harnessing the power of experiences and the originality inherent in stories, our commitment is to provide comprehensive platforms and services that embody the disciplined and contextualized art of planning, graphic design, space design and operation.

Our strength lies in discovering connections in interdisciplinary ideas and recognition, intricately weaving them together through methods of transformation, inversion, integration and collaboration. In visualization and substantialization, Oaah Agency traverses the visual translation of the rational, emphasizing the harmonious landscape of aesthetic and function.  We enjoy utilizing manufactured nudges and devising physical/virtual systems during implementation in order to trigger and enhance users’ experience of the glamorous moment.

사업자등록번호 240-81-00121
대표자: 윤영빈

경기도 성남시 수정구 수정남로324번길 2, 401
통신판매업등록번호: 제2015-경기성남-1233호
Phone. +82-2-790-9322
Email. help@oaah.co.kr
IG. @oaahagency

Copyright ⓒ 2023 oaahagency All rights reserved.